"Vanity" onion addresses are a partial workaround for the difficulty of memorizing the 56-character-long onion addresses.

Anwani batili ni anwani ya onion ambayo huanza idadi ya alama ambazo zilichaguliwa-awali, kawaida ni jina linalohusiana na Onion Service maalum.

Kwa mfano, mtu anaweza kujaribu kutoa anwani ya onion kwa tovuti ya mysitename na akaishia na kitu kinachoonekana kama hiki:


Hii ina faida kiasi:

  • It is easy for Onion Services users to know which site they are about to access.

  • Ina mvuto wa chapa kwa wamiliki wa tovuti.

  • It is easy for Onion Services operators to debug their logs and know which services have errors without recurring to a table or to memorize some random characters from a regular onion address.

Lakini pia ina baadhi ya hasara:

  • An attacker wishing to impersonate an existing onionsite by creating a fake version of it might use vanity addresses as an additional way to convince users that their address is the right one. Ikiwa tovuti halali haitumii anwani batili, watumiaji wanaweza kufikiri tovuti ghushi ndio halali na hii kwa sababu ina anwani nzuri zaidi.

  • It is relatively easy for anybody with average computing resources to create other keys beginning with mysitename (although they are very unlikely to come up with the exact key from the example above). So, in a sense, vanity keys might be confusing and offer a false sense of identity; users can easily be mistaken into accessing an impersonating onion service just because it starts with mysitename.

  • Inagharimu rasilimali (muda na nguvu): jina kubwa batili, ina chukua muda mrefu (na uwezo mkubwa zaidi wa kuchakata).

The long-term solution involves a better onion naming scheme, and vanity addresses would remain only as a way to help system administrators group onion addresses. Kwa mfano, unapoendeshaOnionbalance nyingi za nyuma.

Utengenezaji wa anwani batili

mkp224o ni alama mojawapo za data zinazo tumika kutengeneza anwani batili.

Hatua ya 1 sanikisha vitu vinavyohitajika

Hatua ya 2 Fuata Maelekezo ya kutengeneza

Hatua ya 3 Bofya generator

$ ./mkp224o -d onions mysitename

This will create the onions directory and others needed for each of the discovered onion addresses with their respective keys. To know what else the tool can do, refer to its help by executing the following command:

$ ./mkp224o -h

Additionally, if you are looking for a more advanced tool, see Onionmine, a handy wrapper for mkp224o that can also handle TLS certificate generation for Onion Services.

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